If you are here,
you are not on LinkedIn.

how to use Linkedout:

Step 1: Bookmark this page & leave it as an opened tab for emergency hopping.

Step 2: When experiencing symptoms of professional networking fatigue* — click this bookmark or jump to the opened tab— for some much needed time out

Step 3: Consider what you might do with this time out.

Step 4: Repeat as needed.**

* Which may include [but are not limited to]:
- Comparison anxiety, comment analysis, post perfectionism [& content curation], scroll paralysis, connection hoarding, message hesitation, algorithm decoding, hashtag indecision, response reluctance, profile tweaking, notification checking, post timing — and the occasional emoji reaction overthinking.

For optimal results: place LinkedOut directly above your LinkedIn bookmark — and leave it always open as a tab — precisely located next to your LinkedIn tab.